Borrelia burgdorferi viewed through a microscope. Video by Dr. Kindree and Dr. Banerjee of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control. 

George Chaconas, a biochemical, molecular biology and infectious disease researcher at the University of Calgary, explains Lyme disease.

This video from University of Toronto researcher Tara Moriarty shows Borrelia burgdorferi in the final stage of escaping from a blood vessel in a live mouse. 

University of Manitoba tick researcher Kateryn Rochon demonstrates the proper way to remove an attached tick from your skin.

AtlanTick Repellent Products produced this helpful video describing some of the most common disease bearing ticks in Canada.

Tick Surveillance Methods: Dragging and C02 Trapping.

Andrew Hebda, retired curator of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History talks ticks.

Curtis Russell, Senior Program Specialist with Public Health Ontario demonstrates dragging for ticks.

McMaster University produced this Demystifying Medicine video on ticks & Lyme disease.

This CBC video from May 1989 warns of infected ticks in Long Point and Point Pelee, ON is one of the first news reports about Lyme disease in Canada.

Video by Mount Allison University researchers shows how to detect Borrelia burgdorferi in ticks using nested PCR.

Video by Dr. Devender Kumar of the University of Calgary shows Borrelia burgdorferi interacting with blood vessels walls in host mouse.

The Canadian Medical Association Journal presents a video case study for a Manitoba patient who died of Lyme carditis.

Vett Lloyd, a Mount Allison University biologist, discusses ticks, Lyme disease, gardening and tick-eating chickens with the Maritime Gardening Podcast.

Bryan Rade, a naturopathic physician from Nova Scotia, discusses several of the hundreds of cases of Lyme disease and Lyme-like illnesses he has treated.

George Chaconas, a biochemical, molecular biology and infectious disease researcher at the University of Calgary explains the replication of linear plasmids in bacteria such as Borrelia burgdorferi.