The added value of One Health surveillance: data from questing ticks can provide an early signal for anaplasmosis outbreaks in animals and humans

TitleThe added value of One Health surveillance: data from questing ticks can provide an early signal for anaplasmosis outbreaks in animals and humans
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
JournalCan J Public Health
Start Page317
Date Published04/2023
AuthorsPelletier J, Guillot C, Rocheleau JP, Bouchard C, Baron G, Bedard C, Dibernardo A, Lindsay LR, Leighton PA, Aenishaenslin C

We conclude that data collected in Bromont could have provided an early signal for an anaplasmosis risk increasing in the targeted region. This is a reminder that integrated surveillance of tick-borne diseases through structured One Health programs, i.e. systematically integrating data from humans, animals and the environment, can provide useful and timely information for better preparedness and response in public health.